
I am at your dis­po­sal if you have any ques­ti­ons or would like to pro­vi­de us with feed­back. Our team looks for­ward to assis­ting you and hel­ping you fur­ther. Whe­ther it’s infor­ma­ti­on about our pro­ducts or ser­vices, or if you need assis­tance with any con­cerns – we are here for you!

Our goal is to ans­wer your ques­ti­ons, address your con­cerns, and sup­port you to the best of our abili­ty.

Your satis­fac­tion is important to us, and we are com­mit­ted to ensu­ring that you feel well taken care of.

Team lea­ders

Jonas Spindler

Jonas Spind­ler

Manage­ment Assistant

Anna Schmunk-Koul

Anna Schmunk-Koul

Box and Foam Pro­duc­tion Mana­ger

Uwe Haag

Uwe Haag

Car­pen­try Mana­ger


Wri­te us an email or cont­act us by pho­ne.

14 + 4 =

Visit us

Nahe­stra­ße 19
55743 Idar-Ober­stein

Ope­ning hours

Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM — 04:30 PM
Break: 12:00 PM — 01:00 PM
Fri: 07:30 AM — 12:00 PM
Clo­sed on Sat & Sun
