Made in Ger­ma­ny

We offer over 100 years of expe­ri­ence and
hand-made pro­ducts of hig­hest qua­li­ty.



  • Hig­hest Cus­to­mer Satis­fac­tion
  • Per­fect Pro­ducts
  • Indi­vi­du­al Solu­ti­ons


  • Com­pe­tent Advice
  • No Mini­mum Order
  • Repair Ser­vices



  • App­re­cia­ti­on
  • Fair­ness towards Cus­to­mers and Sup­pli­ers
  • Open-Min­ded­ness
  • Crea­ti­vi­ty



  • Regio­nal Part­ners
  • Sus­tainable Mate­ri­als
  • Com­pon­ents from Euro­pe only

About Us

Sin­ce 1923, when August Neu­heu­ser was foun­ded, we have been stan­ding for hig­hest qua­li­ty and pre­cise craft­man­ship.
Over the past deca­des, we have been deve­lo­ping from a for­mer card­board box
spe­cia­list to a manu­fac­tu­rer of a wide ran­ge of pack­a­ging pro­ducts


In our manu­fac­to­ry, a team of 14 peo­p­le pas­sio­na­te­ly works to ful­fil your wis­hes. We make our pro­ducts with gre­at dili­gence in many sin­gle steps and refi­ne them with a love of detail. It is pos­si­ble to adapt our pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses to your ide­as any time.

Cus­tom-made Designs

If you have any spe­cial requests in terms of size, colour or mate­ri­al, we will be hap­py to dis­cuss them with you and plan every detail tog­e­ther. You have an extra­or­di­na­ry pie­ce of jewel­lery that you would like to high­light?

satis­fied cus­to­mers

fri­end­ly, com­pe­tent, and very fami­li­ar, very plea­sant.


More than jewel­ry

Tabea Fal­ler is the heart and soul of this com­pa­ny. Her dedi­ca­ti­on and com­mit­ment to cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion are impres­si­ve. With every visit, you can feel that she is genui­ne­ly inte­res­ted in ensu­ring that every guest has the best pos­si­ble expe­ri­ence. Her pro­fes­sio­na­lism and fri­end­ly deme­an­or are remar­kab­le. The qua­li­ty of the pro­ducts and ser­vices is out­stan­ding. It is evi­dent that Tabea and her team place gre­at empha­sis on qua­li­ty and excel­lence.

Danie­la S.

gra­phic desi­gner

More than deligh­ted! I had the chan­ce to take a brief look into the pro­duc­tion today. Genui­ne craft­sman­ship is still requi­red the­re. Mrs. Fal­ler ans­we­red all my ques­ti­ons, and now I can final­ly place my order. Made in Ger­ma­ny, 5 stars from me! Many thanks!

Spar­k­ling gree­tings, the jewe­ler Lena Kies.

Quick respon­se and excel­lent ser­vice, abili­ty to adapt to our requi­re­ments; over­all, a gre­at expe­ri­ence!

Way­ne Tang

Visit us

Nahe­stra­ße 19
55743 Idar-Ober­stein

Ope­ning hours

Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM — 04:30 PM
Break: 12:00 PM — 01:00 PM
Fri: 07:30 AM — 12:00 PM
Clo­sed on Sat & Sun
