Over 100 years of Neu­heu­ser

The exact date on which the com­pa­ny was foun­ded is lost in histo­ry, but this year we can say with cer­tain­ty: We are now over 100 years old! Unfort­u­na­te­ly, we did­n’t have time to cele­bra­te our big anni­ver­sa­ry last year — the­re was too much to do to make the com­pa­ny fit for its next 100 years. This includes a lot of chan­ges — from reno­vat­ing the pre­mi­ses to inves­t­ing in new machi­nes and digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on, deve­lo­ping new pro­ducts and hiring new team mem­bers. Howe­ver, we have con­scious­ly con­tin­ued the lega­cy of our foun­der August Neu­heu­ser: the tra­di­ti­on of pro­du­cing high-qua­li­ty pack­a­ging by hand in our own fac­to­ry in Idar-Ober­stein and deli­ve­ring the best qua­li­ty to our cus­to­mers.

We would also like to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to express­ly thank our cus­to­mers! Wit­hout you, we would not be here today.

Our 100 years of expe­ri­ence are at your dis­po­sal as usu­al. You are cor­di­al­ly invi­ted to test our pro­ducts and ser­vices or to watch our team at work during a tour of the com­pa­ny. We look for­ward to see­ing you! 

The Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce also visi­ted us on the occa­si­on of our anni­ver­sa­ry and pre­sen­ted us with their con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons and a cer­ti­fi­ca­te.
You can read the artic­le on this under the fol­lo­wing link:


Our new injec­tion mould is up and run­ning!

Pro­duc­tion with the new mould for our popu­lar gem­stone boxes no. 45141 and no. 45151 has star­ted in 2024. After seve­ral months of plan­ning and con­s­truc­tion, the mould is now on the machi­ne and deli­vers top qua­li­ty! We have stuck with the tried and tes­ted mate­ri­al, which pro­du­ces crys­tal-clear boxes through which you have a fault­less view of the gem­stone. The pla­s­tic has a noble lust­re that does jus­ti­ce to the pre­cious con­tents. The lids clo­se tight­ly to keep your gem­sto­nes and dia­monds safe. We have desi­gned our mould so that you can reor­der just the lids. This is our con­tri­bu­ti­on to sus­taina­bi­li­ty — for the envi­ron­ment and for your wal­let!
A lot of manu­al labour is invol­ved in the pro­duc­tion of our pla­s­tic boxes. To ensu­re that the lids remain flaw­less, they are indi­vi­du­al­ly remo­ved from the mould by hand, packa­ged and then fil­led as usu­al with our flock foam inserts in the colour of your choice.

We always have stock available for imme­dia­te deli­very and can also send you sam­ple boxes free of char­ge on request so that you can test the spe­cial new qua­li­ty.

Visit from the Lord Mayor

To mark our 100th anni­ver­sa­ry, we were visi­ted in spring by Frank Früh­auf, the Lord Mayor of Idar-Ober­stein, and Caro­li­ne Pehl­ke from the city’s busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment depart­ment.

We had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent our com­pa­ny as well as our team and had a good con­ver­sa­ti­on in which we were able to exch­an­ge lots of inte­res­t­ing infor­ma­ti­on and learn about all the acti­vi­ties plan­ned in the city this year, inclu­ding tho­se for local com­pa­nies.

After the visit, we made an Insta­gram video with Tobi­as Bren­ner (press depart­ment City Idar-Ober­stein) in our com­pa­ny.

Here you can watch it.

We would like to thank Mr Früh­auf and Mrs Pehl­ke for their visit and Mr Bren­ner for the suc­cessful video!

Visit us

Nahe­stra­ße 19
55743 Idar-Ober­stein

Ope­ning hours

Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM — 04:30 PM
Break: 12:00 PM — 01:00 PM
Fri: 07:30 AM — 12:00 PM
Clo­sed on Sat & Sun
